Thursday, May 28, 2009

How often should I feed a 1 year old dachshund? What is the food best for their health? Should I mix dry/wet

How often should I feed a 1 year old dachshund? What is the food best for their health? Should I mix dry/wet?
I want to rescue a dachshund. I had one as a child but my parents helped me out. Just need a little help with how to feed it in the healthiest possible way. I'm on somewhat of a budget but tell me what's best. Thanks!

Dogs - 5 Answers
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1 :
Don't mix wet- Wet will encourage heavy tartar buildup on teeth. My personal suggestion for feeding is a RAW prey model diet. my dogs have been on this for about a week and are doing excellently, i know others who have been doing it years! if you want to do kibble, i suggest Taste Of The Wild, or Blue Buffalo. I fed my dogs TOTW for 2 years, and my ex-girlfriend feeds Blue Buffalo in a version made for cats, and she loves the results as well. Good luck!
2 :
I feed Chicken Soup For The Dog Lover's Soul. It is a great quality brand dog food & is reasonably priced. Follow the chart on the bag of food for the daily recommended amount based on his ideal weight & age.
3 :
Depends on whether you are going the raw diet route, or the 'complete feed' method of feeding. Personally I feed a good quality complete (Burns - UK) as I'm not sure I know enough about raw feeding to be sure I'm giving a dog everything it needs. But that's up to you. If you are adopting from Breed Rescue, they should advise you about what the dog has been fed so far - keep to that to begin with as if you switch abruptly, his tummy will react. And actually adopting from a general rescue centre should be the same - be advised what he's been used to eating, and carry on for a while at least. If you do want to switch, do it gradually, mixing the new with the old. I'd feed twice a day. Breakfast and supper. I have a breed that's prone to bloat, and splitting the daily feed is best policy. Besides, I think it breaks the day up for a dog if he has two meals to look forward to.
4 :
i feed my dachshund twice a day, morning and night. he is now almost 2. i used to feed 3 times a day(breakfast, lunch and dinner) but he didn't seem as hungry for the 3rd feeding, so i cut back. i used to feed ol roy, which i dont have a problem with it and feed it to my other dogs(they are healthy and happy, nothing wrong with the cheapest dog food). i no longer feed it to him in particular because dachshunds have a tendency to get overweight easily and because the dog food pieces are a little big for their mouth. i now feed him beneful healthy weight. it keeps him at a healthy weight and it's little bites. it's not the cheapest, but it's close. i'm also on a budget, but this dog food is reasonably priced and it's good for him. hope i helped! :-)
5 :
Feeding twice a day is usually recommended but once a day is fine too. I would only feed dry. Wet food is frankly a waste of money as it is mostly just water. Dry food is also better for your dog's dental hygiene. High Quality Foods: Orijen- Natura (Innova, EVO, California Natural)- Blue Buffalo- Merrick- Canidae- Solid Gold- Wellness Core- Natural Balance- Taste of the Wild- Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover's Soul- Or go raw-

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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Why is being forced to rely on government for food, shelter, health care good for the American people

Why is being forced to rely on government for food, shelter, health care good for the American people?

Politics - 11 Answers
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1 :
itsss Nottt
2 :
it isnt. it just gives the democrats (obama) more control.
3 :
After decades of neoliberal "deregulation" and privatization, State intervention occupies again the center of the stage, starting from the unprecedented capital injections, interest rate cuts, bail outs and State intervention nationalizations in 2007-2008 in the US and Britain and then extended in one country after another all over the world. There is no a return to the post-war Keynesianism nor a revival of the Welfare State in the developed capitalist countries ; the State does not "expand" but destroys public services (hospitals, education, etc) by privatizing them and accumulates deficits and public debt to secure resources to bail out the bankers and other capitalists. In fact, there is a strengthening of the role of the capitalist State as the "savior of last resort" of capitalism in bankruptcy. The success of its regulatory intervention in the economy is more than doubtful. "The market may be bust but so is the state", wrote Philip Stephens in Financial Times (6/4/09). Capitalist nationalizations, "the negation of capitalism within the capitalist system itself", are an extreme action to rescue capital from bankruptcy. Within the framework of the actual social regime, nationalization puts the charge of the crisis on the shoulders of the working people through the increase of the public debt, unemployment, inflation etc. From the other side, it's an objective manifestation of the process of preparation and transition to the collective property of the producers under the control and management of the direct producers themselves. We love all this mess in the World! We are very happy!
4 :
Sweetpea, welfare is a choice. You can get a job.
5 :
i don't know.
6 :
democrats enjoy giving free programs payed by tax dollars to people for their vote and never give them the incentive to get a job and make their dreams come true
7 :
its not! our president isnt doing anything he said he would do! idk what this country is going to do!
8 :
Think about Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans. The only ones left behind were either stuck in a hospital, too sick to move or were Welfare recipients. They relied on their local and state governments to take care of them and look out for them -- as they'd been trained to do. Both the local and state governments failed them miserably. Is it good for people to rely on government to do for them what they should be doing for themselves? I think not! *later* Dear Hater, Jesus instructed us to help the orphan and the widow. His intent was to love one another. That also means that we are to hold one another accountable. What it does NOT mean, is that we should help the junky stick the needle in his arm. You come off as being angry and full of hatred. Perhaps you should study the word a little more closely. Understand too that Jesus was NOT a "Christian." He WAS however, Jewish!
9 :
Because, Jesus said to help people who are less fortunate and this is a Christian nation, do you hate Jesus or something you greedy Jew.
10 :
It's only good for the government. They obtain more and more power as the people become more dependent on them. Not only power but money as well.
11 :
Who's forcing you? That's what I thought

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What is the best herbal supplement found in health food stores for relaxation/stress w/out drowsiness

What is the best herbal supplement found in health food stores for relaxation/stress w/out drowsiness?
Thanks and God Bless!
Mental Health - 9 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
flax seed oil and ginkgo biloba
2 :
Bachs Natural Remedy - just a few drops on your tongue, works wonders.
3 :
Try some chamomile tea.
4 :
gamma amino butyric acid gaba
5 :
Valerian root will relax without making you drowsy. Also, melatonin is the chemical the body produces, when you go to sleep. Taken in higher dosages (3 mg), it will knock you out. However, if you cut the dosage down to 1 mg, or even 300-600 mcg (mcg = 1/1000 of a mg), it just makes you nice and relaxed. Hope this helps.
6 :
You might try Valerian Root. Although it is touted as a safe and mild sleep aid, most people with real sleep disorders find it not quite strong enough as a soporific (sleep aid) but admit that it usally is effective as a supplement for relaxation or anti-anxiety. You should be able to find it in any good health food or herbal store. I have found that the Valerian root powder, made from ground-up roots is the most effective form of the herb. You can mix it with warm water like a tea. But be forwarned!:: it tastes awful! LOL. So you might want to dess it up a bit with some honey or something. Valerian root is also available in tablet or capsule form. If you opt for this, get the caps which are filled with the same ground up powder. And of course, if you're already taking any kind of anti-anxiety meds, like xanax or something, ask your Doc before you try Valerian.
7 :
Two drops of Oil of Peppermint on your wrist might help. Breathe the aroma deeply and it will calm you. I've wondered if the deep breathing is just as calming as the Oil of Peppermint. Oh long as it works, right?
8 :
I had good results from 'Nutri-Calm' by Nature's Sunshine.
9 :
St John's Wort! St. John's wort has been used for centuries to treat mental disorders and nerve pain. In ancient times, herbalists wrote about its use as a sedative and a treatment for malaria, as well as a balm for wounds, burns, and insect bites. Today, St. John's wort is used by some for depression, anxiety, and/or sleep disorders

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Saturday, May 16, 2009

If you were taxed for and garenteed health care, basic housing, basic food.. Would you still work

If you were taxed for and garenteed health care, basic housing, basic food.. Would you still work?
I have seen people in poverty that don't get out of it because they would lose these benefits if they started making money. So, what if we made the basics available to every one, would you settle for just enough to eat and take the basics, or would you work so you could get better food, tv, internet, cell phone, presents for birthdays or holidays, etc? What would you do! These are guaranteed weather you don't work, work some or a lot.
Politics - 20 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Hence the great fallacy with socialism...
2 :
I've known many people who quit their job so that they still qualify for benefits that are worth more than what they could make working. I worked with a SSgt in the Marines that would tell me stories about the "Toy for Tots" program where people would come into his office and demand an xbox or playstation. These programs a are for the needy and you always have people exploiting the system. If there needy how do they expect to buy the $50 dollar games. A welfare state breeds laziness.
3 :
it's called the iron triangle, if you offer any free services for people of low income, there will ALWAYS be people who would rather stay in poverty for free stuff then get out.
4 :
I would do the opposite of what you are proposing. I would stop welfare and make people pay for their own necessities.
5 :
I would still work because I like more than just the basics.... I don't want to be forced to shop for clothes at walmart when I can afford to shop at Dior... Those people don't know what they are missing.....
6 :
of course i would most people would to
7 :
that sonunds kinda nice but what would i do if i had everything given to me?. I think that would be kinda old and boring. i'd rather find a job that i'd like and be poor then to have someone just give me what i need.
8 :
There is no way in this uber-consumer society that people will stop trying to make money or buy things. You expose the lie very well.
9 :
I would not want anything provided for me. SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST I would want to work.
10 :
Yes, because I : 1. want more than just basics 2. take pride in the job i do and the prestige i have by doing it. 3. Like to have fun that is above and beyond any basics. i love how every right-winger thinks their name is Nostradamus when it comes to this issue. There will always be people around that will abuse any system. The rich and the poor do it now, it will not change if you give out the basic necessities of life. It will just lower the amount we have to spend on law enforcement.
11 :
I think you have hit on part of the problem with our current system... we take away too many benefits too quickly when someone actually does start to work. A lot of poor people can't afford to work. As far as providing 'the basics', I would work regardless of what was provided because I like the work I do. I would probably work less and volunteer more if I didn't need to earn enough to pay for private health insurance!
12 :
Yes, because I, like the vast majority, want more. All societies, cultures, and countries have their dead beats. I live in China, and even China has its dead beats. =============== Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated Confucius 551 - 479 BC =============== Peace Jim my web site: .
13 :
I'll turn your question around. Prisoners are guaranteed health care, basic housing, basic food, laundry service, free stamps for mailing & even cable tv. Therefore, the question becomes would you commit a crime in order to go to prison to gain these "benefits"??? Personally, I think everyone has the freewill & ability to choose their personal work ethic & standard of living. Some people have an ingrained sense of hardwork ethic while others are eternal moochers just looking for a hand out. There are 9 trillion people on this planet, so it's not shocking that everyone is different in their decision on what's the best lifestyle for themselves.
14 :
Yes, I would still work, otherwise, you just get fat and lazy. Soon our entire earnings will be sent to the federal government, to be divvied up among the little piggies.
15 :
they would work only if benefit-from-work minus benefit-from-government is positive and highly significant. so minimum wage earners would probably prefer welfare while engineers and the like prefer to work.
16 :
When you spoil a child, the child become dependent upon the parent. When the parent dies, or loses income, or goes bankrupt (like where or government is going), then the spoiled child is screwed. It doesn't know how to survive because it has never had to. This is how our country has become. Those who do nothing but mooch on the government have no idea how to survive. Or choose not to try. I would still work. It is important. I don't like the thought of other people paying for me.
17 :
Yes I would. Universal Health Care and other basic necessities won't stop the majority of people from working, The only thing it will change will be those who stay on welfare because they can't afford to survive on minimum wage without assistance. Even if I was guaranteed health care, basic housing, food etc, I would work. But the only difference is that instead of working at a job I hate just because it's a higher salary/better benefits, I'd get a job in a field I love, even if it doesn't pay as much, if the basic necessities were covered. I'm sure a lot of people are of this mindset. For example, the field of teaching, because of its lower salary range is not a preferred career choice for many people. But if I did not have to worry about health care, housing and food bills, then I'd go into teaching because I love kids.
18 :
If you don't work you have no funds from which to pay your taxes. Accordingly you'd have to work in order to be able to pay the taxes that fund the services you receive. If nobody worked there would be no way to pay for the services and we'd all go without. What is more, people have to work in order to provide those services that we all need, so again we have to work. The biggest flaw in the system that keeps people dependent on social services is the income limits that are so low that they cannot get a job and still keep the benefits (such as housing, health care, child care) that they need to keep them going until they can get a leg up. Therefore they end up trapped and unable to break free. The system is broken and we need to fix it. While some people would be perfectly content to do nothing all their lives, most prefer to be productive and contribute.
19 :
I'd still do something, but nothing as hard or stressful. Of course, pay would drop and so would government revenue needed to pay for my housing and healthcare.
20 :
That ridiculous offer was made countless times by places like the Soviet Union. It never works. It also REQUIRES people to go to work. Who would MAKE and PROVIDE all the freebies? You don't have the option of NOT working in a communist system, which is what you are describing. Oddly in a socialist system, like we have in the US and throughout Europe, you get what you described: people who just TAKE and TAKE instead of working. However, when we got "welfare reform" in the '90s we saw what all clear-thinking people knew from the start: this behavior is a result of GOVERNMENTAL POLICIES, not "need." We were assured that the number of homeless would skyrocket, we'd have people dying in the streets, etc. What a crock. We saw a massive decline in illegitimate births. We saw people getting off their butts and getting a job. We saw people learning a trade or going to school or just doing so well on the job that they got promoted or at least earned more money. Able-bodied people, educated or not, can and SHOULD work. Period. There is no legit reason to force others to work FOR someone who is not doing squat for himself and CAN. The seriously disabled or seriously ill should NOT be expected to work a full 40-hour (or more) job. We don't demand 2-year-olds work either--when you CAN not it's a world apart from WILL not. If you made work optional you would see a giant increase in bums AND the bums would spend their energy demanding the workers GIVE them more--the idea of WORKING for what they want will not be "fair" and will not occur to them. You'd also see a huge increase in criminal activity where bums would just take what they want from those who work. You would also see a complete absense of gratitude on the part of bums for what they were GIVEN. Part of the reason is no decent person could possibly respect himself if he is just a bum. Again, VAST difference between ABLE to work and won't and CAN'T work and the two should never be confused

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Friday, May 8, 2009

any good health food stores

any good health food stores?
anyone know any health food stores in the uk? ive tried holland and barratt but they dont have a very good selection so any others? thanks x i dont want supplements or vitamins, im looking for actual food.
Diet & Fitness - 2 Answers
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1 :
Personally, I buy some food supplements in the U.S. from the VitaminShoppe's website. They have a wide range of products of any type and it's pretty convenient for the exchange rate. It's worth giving it a try...
2 :
there is a store called whole foods, they have great healthy food among other things :-) here is the website if u go under stores and events the uk is listed :-) Hopefully u find it of some use! Enjoy

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Monday, May 4, 2009

What's the worst food for your health

What's the worst food for your health?
My mother always tells me to stay away from red meat, seafood, and sugar.
Other - Food & Drink - 15 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
anything with a high fat content such as red meats,but thats only if you eat it like 4 times a week
2 :
3 :
probably lard.
4 :
eating lard with a spoon
5 :
I love ground beef but from what I have heard from the medical community, it is the worse meat for you. It is a artery clogging type of meat. I guess if we cut down and have it once in a while its okay but I could never give up cheeseburgers and meatballs from beef. I have ground turkey once in a while or venison is excellent but I still have to have beef once in a while.
6 :
Eating lard with a spoon then following that with a melted butter shake.
7 :
I know that people love them, but those sweet (iced or not) coffees are full of fat and sugar, and can destroy any kind of healthy game plan (600-1000 calories). Lower fat red meat is good, but most seafood is the best on your list. Chemical pollution can be an issue, but most in upscale grocery stores can be farm raised.
8 :
Greasy, fried, fatty foods.
9 :
Sugar, by far! Although it really can't be classified as a food - it has no nutritious value, its just empty calories! Its actually more like a drug. Don't believe me? Try giving it up, and see how your body reacts, and the huge cravings you get for it. Meat has lots of nutritional value, although it also has lots of nasty hormones and chemicals thanks to the modern livestock industry. So buy organic instead, and enjoy every mouthful! Likewise, seafood is only a problem for your health if it comes from polluted waters. If it comes from safe waters, fish is very healthy for you. In fact, its one of the best sources of EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids).
10 :
fettucine alfredo....
11 :
probably bacon or hotdogs not only for the fat content but for all the chemicals..
12 :
all fatty foods
13 :
14 :
Outback restaurant's Fried onion ring. Baaaaadddd for you!!!!! But SO delicious!
15 :
You've got a good mother

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