Monday, April 12, 2010

How would you introduce a speech concerning how customers blame fast food restaurants for health problems

How would you introduce a speech concerning how customers blame fast food restaurants for health problems?
I need an introduction that captures the auddience's attention.
Diet & Fitness - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :

1 :
I would use a startling fact. Something scary but true. That is if your not defending the fast food industry.Good luck!
2 :
Geeze I wonder what would happen if they stayed out of the fast food places. Not their fault that you waddeled in I do a turkey and veggies on a wheat rollup
3 :
I'd say something like: "So they ate at McDonald's and got FAT!"
4 :
What do a finger in chili, e.coli, and rat poop have in common?
5 :
Think about this, if they blame fast food restaurants for health problems, then don't eat there! Its as simple as that. From then on, it's the customers decision and their responsibility. Start with some shockingly true facts.
6 :
i would say that those customers blaming fast food for them being fat... are a bunch of morons. fast food doesnt make them fat, everyone knows fast food is bad for you. 1. they are fat and have health problems because they dont exercise and are lazy 2. they eat fast food because they dont want to make anything for themselves thats decent to eat. 3. theyre looking for someone to blame because theyre fat. theyre fat because they eat SH*T. not because fast food people hand them a big bowl of fat and shove it down their throats.
7 :
"Lack of exersize, fulfillment of life, hapiness, proper diet and sleep all contribute to a persons poor health - fast food only adds to it. Yet everyday we hear these people moan and groan about how fast food is ruining the health of our young, our family and our friends. I have never in my life heard an unhealthy person blame themselves for not jogging, not getting enough sleep and not eating breakfast. The fact is, these simple things they tend to neglect all effect their health substantially more than fast food ever could, even if eaten on a daily basis." Thats just a quick introduction. Hopefully you can find some inspiration from it - but if you want to use the entire thing, feel free to do so. You could also start it off with things like "85% of americans are sleep deprived. 55% of americans neglect breakfast. Only 7% of americans exersize on a regular basis - and yet, they see the source of all their problems in fast food? Who tought these people logic?" (these are not true facts, you will have to search for your own

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