Friday, September 28, 2012

What are the effects of microwave cooking to a person's health; person's lifestyle;and to the microwaved food

What are the effects of microwave cooking to a person's health; person's lifestyle;and to the microwaved food?
i wanted to see the current status of microwave cooking. Who usually use it? Do they experience some negative effects from it? What do they do after knowing its effect to them? how long does one notice the effects of microwaving? Does everyone really believe that microwave cooking gives more negative than positive effects?

Other - Health - 1 Answers
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1 :
The only thing I know of that's negative about microwave cooking I learned via Elton Brown from Food Network's Good Eats! He did a show about broccoli and how microwaving it removes all the vitamin's from the broccoli. As to the health aspects of eating the broccoli you lose all the wonderful benefits of the vegetable. He didn't say that microwaving other vegetables will have the same effects on them so I'd be guessing if I said so. I'm not sure if this makes any sense because I'm still waking up but have a great Wednesday! Duchess

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Monday, September 24, 2012

Can I make a GREEN FOOD supplement at home

Can I make a GREEN FOOD supplement at home?
Hi, I have seen and heard so many good things about the 'green food supplements'. How can I make some in my home? The health food stores are sometimes very expensive and quantities are not alot. I know the process of green tea is to steam dry. Could I do this with green foods accept do it on a low temperature in the oven & when it's dry and cooled make it in a powder form with a coffee grinder/blender? What are your thoughts? Thank you.
Alternative Medicine - 1 Answers
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1 :
The green food supplement is made naturally. It's called vegetables

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Thursday, September 20, 2012

If it's wrong for health insurers to make a profit, what about those selling food, shelter and clothing?

If it's wrong for health insurers to make a profit, what about those selling food, shelter and clothing?

Doesn't the same logic apply - that these necessities should not be sold for profit? And what of the doctors themselves? Who much money should they make? Or do health insurers make a profit by prudent investing, knowing that if they denied service frequently they would lose subscribers?
Other - Politics & Government - 5 Answers
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I think making EXCESSIVE profits at the expense of suffering people is pretty immoral.
2 :
You'd think not having those items would lead to a premature death as well...which is why you'll get no justifiable answer. The fact is other Government's already have their foot in the door..."Give a mouse a cookie and he wants a glass of milk." Consequently, we were on the path to give houses away...didn't turn out so well.
3 :
I get your point. But we have low-income housing programs. And we have food stamps. And we have welfare and unemployment payments. All of that helps people afford food, clothing, and shelter, which are relatively inexpensive. If you have priced individual health insurance plans for families, you would see that they are more expensive than average rent. If you take the risk of not having insurance, and someone in your family becomes seriously ill, the bills can bankrupt you. So it is different. But that doesn't mean health insurance companies should not make a profit. It just means they need a big, efficient new competitor that forces them to lower their prices, improve their service, and lower their costs. They have no motivation to do that now. And doctors have no motivation to control their prices. If a government health plan becomes an effective competitor, the results can be dramatically reduced healthcare costs. But if they screw it up, the results will be a disaster. As I have said many time, you think healthcare is expensive now, wait until it is free and anyone can drop into the emergency room for a hangnail without thinking twice about the cost.
4 :
SOCIALIZE EVERYTHING....people can rationalize the justification of need almost anything as a necessity. 1)car - need it to get to work, buy food 2)house - i have to live somewhere 3)shoes/sneakers - i can't be walking outside barefoot my feet would be cutup 4)socks - goes with shoes/sneakers 5)clothes( summer/winter) - i have to dress appoapriately to work 6)underwear - might get sick and go to hospital what would the doctors say if i have dirty or torn underwear 7)pet - i need a pet to calm my nerves etc... see my point....bring on the USSA - united sosialist states of america
5 :
This is a huge question. Imagine you worked for a company who decided to run things like Marx suggested - "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need". It sounds like a good plan, until "ability" and "need" are sorted out. Imagine futher that you are one of the ablest people in the company - you are creative, ambitious, motivated and inventive. You work very hard and produce a lot of revenue for the company. You do not get rewarded for your work - instead, because you are so able, you might get asked to work overtime for no additional pay. Imagine that at the same company there is a family who has more children than they can really afford to feed or take care of, and perhaps acts irresponsibly in their eating, drinking, smoking, driving or other lifestyle habits. These are not very able people, but they are certainly needy. You will watch as your hard-earned money goes to their excessive need. How will you feel? Will you suddenly get wise, and stop demonstrating how able you are? Will you be resentful of their lifestyle, sucking the life out of the fruits of your energy and abilities? Profit is a great motivator. What you are not seeing is that "excessive profits" are distributed to shareholders; that means not just individual fatcat Wall Streeters, but pension funds and 401K plans for working Americans. The more successful a company is, the more profit they make, and the more money is distributed into the company. While you can be jealous of the highly paid executives and their bonuses, be careful - this is a very small portion of the overall profit - most of which gets plowed back into the company to make them bigger and stronger and (here's the key) more able to meet your needs. You have to look past the big buildings and see the expensive computerized infrastructure and the reach of the companies, all of which act to keep prices low. Profit and wealth are only immoral if they are the result of dishonest business practices. In Capitalism, the markets should be able to find their own balance point - in other words, if you deliver the best product, it will be in high demand; if it is in high demand, competition will keep the price point low. If your product sucks, it won't sell, and unless you use dishonest marketing practices it will go off the market and you will go back to the drawing board. Health insurers face many difficulties - tort laws in this country cause Malpractice insurance rates to skyrocket. Doctors are in a position to have to prescribe test after unnecessary test just to "build a defense file" in case something goes wrong (and something very often does - Doctors are not gods) and they get sued. Health insurers pay for these tests, but ultimately, they come out of your pocket. If you begin to speculate that necessities should not be sold for profit, then those who make them will lose their incentive, and they will be manufactured by government mandate. Some bureaucrat will decide how to fill the pharmacy and supermarket shelves, rather than what the public decides they want; this leads to either political lobbying or rationing or both. Lasix surgery is a great example. Unlike X-rays and MRI's and other covered tests, Lasix is not covered by most insurance. It is, however, an incredibly popular procedure. What has happened since its development? The technology has advanced at a rate in multiples of the other, "price controlled" tests; competition is high, opthamologists are getting better and better at it and guess what? The cost of Lasix has come steadily down as a direct result of pure market forces. Further, we have already started limiting the amount of money Doctors can make in certain situations. Medicaid, for example, pays limited amounts for treatment, as do certain health insurers and HMO's. What is the result? The better doctors do not see Medicaid patients, and they don't accept many insurance policies. Are they immoral? How so? What about the college senior who decides that he'd rather go into law or business instead of medicine, because of the limited income potential? Restricting (honest) profits in a free-market economy is a very, very dangerous practice. It is highly moral to seek profit, regardless of your industry, as long as that profit is sought by the production of excellence. If people in business and medicine followed that moral code, prices would be naturally low due to competition. The government is immoral in deciding who should get how much profit, and who is not deserving of the fruits of his own labor and ingenuity

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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Any true health food / natural experts out there

Any true health food / natural experts out there ?
I know pertrolieum jelly is no good to use on skin,I use it I confess and I am still here. Is there something thick and greesy, a bareier like this I can use instead ? I also want to repell roaches around the house that would not be toxic to my cats/kittens,(cats like to jump up on counters and stuff like this), if it got on their paws and licked it off, or could be used on their ears, skin, like that.. I know petrolium jelly works great,I find these pests won't cross over petrolium jelly,I use it on my counter top appliance legs, my coffee maker for example. I know a lot about this, but I am always open for a refresher course, and to learn new things. Thanks.
Other - Health - 2 Answers
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1 :
Health Benefits Chicken is rated as a very good source of protein, providing 67.6% of the daily value for protein in 4 ounces. The structure of humans and animals is built on protein. We derive our amino acids from animal and plant sources of protein, then rearrange the nitrogen to make the pattern of amino acids we require. For more info just click on the link below?
2 :
Boric Acid sounds bad but really it is a safe and effective way to get rid of roaches. Pick some up from a feed store or hardware store

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I need cheap, healthy food. What do I buy and what can I make with it

I need cheap, healthy food. What do I buy and what can I make with it?

We want to spend less on groceries and not buy so much processed, convenience food and snack food. People on my other question are suggesting frozen meals and hotdogs; which, I know, are fairly cheap, but are often high in sodium. I have severe diet limitations and so I need suggestions on how to cook health food I guess.
Cooking & Recipes - 5 Answers
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1 :
I believe if you stock your kitchen with basics, you will eat well and save money. I recommend you start with chicken soup: and build from there. Let me know if this helps you. If you have further questions, you can communicate via my site anytime. Good luck, Anne
2 :
Lots of pastas and grains. Fresh vegetables, with tomatoes, onions, garlic and some herbs you can make a pretty damn good sauce. If you're looking for REALLY cheap then you will not have too many options health wise.
3 :
Think most adults know healthy foods from unhealthy foods or they should. To buy cheaper look at your groceries weekly ad. Buy things on sale. This time of year it is nice to shop the farmers market and get the freshest produce. You can make whatever you like with it. Salads, pasta dishes or whatever the family is into. You restrictions to your diet it is best to speak with your doctor. He should of given you some education on your problem and if he has not than time to see another doctor. A Dietitian may help you also.
4 :
Watch for chicken or fish on sale, you can always freeze these in the size portions you need! I also buy burger on sale and fry it up & rinse it so it is fat free, then freeze it for fast taco's,casseroles or noodles. I buy in bulk and freeze alot... I love to make different dishes with chicken..... My favorite web site is Taste of Home and they have lots of idea's on healthy cooking and inexpensive dishes. Good luck to you & your family
5 :
Roasts are good because you can start them on the weekends and pick on them for several days. Here is one for cooking a basic turkey or turkey breast: Here are several roast beef recipes:

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Saturday, September 8, 2012

(not really health)food to eat morning of SATs

(not really health)food to eat morning of SATs?
I'm taking the SATs again on saturday and I find some foods make me sleepy or even more hungry. is there something I can eat the morning of that wont do that or even keep me more alert? please help!
Other - General Health Care - 1 Answers
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Eggs, eat eggs, they are full of protein, and they day before the test they say to drink lots and lots of water. Also blueberries are a brain food. And if you don't want to be hungry bring a granola bar or something, you get breaks and then you can eat it there. And the most important thing, bring gum, minty gum, I always to this it helps to triger the brain and relax you. Good Luck!

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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

can you by Acaiberry from a chemist/ pharmacy or health food stores

can you by Acaiberry from a chemist/ pharmacy or health food stores ?

Alternative Medicine - 1 Answers
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Presumably you are in the UK as your question has been posted on yahoo answers UK. Holland and Barrett stores sell acai berry supplements in the UK. But forget all the hype surrounding acai berry. It cannot promote weight loss and it is comparable to many other dark skinned berries in terms of its antioxidant potential.....these being blackberries, blackcurrants, blueberries, bilberries, red grapes, dark plums, etc. And pomegranates [available at this time of year] are a great source of antioxidants, as are dates, raisins and prunes. If you want to lose some weight then a calorie-controlled diet cutting out as many unhealthy sugary/fatty snacks as you can coupled with a healthy exercise regime is the way to go

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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Are there negative health issues related to eating really hot or spicy food

Are there negative health issues related to eating really hot or spicy food?
Other than the obvious possible discomfort, can hot sauces or spices do permanant damage to your insides? What's the hottest thing you've ever eaten? Would you do it again?
Other - Food & Drink - 9 Answers
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Other than burning when you poop, spicy foods have many health benefits. Increases circulation, and internal parasites cannot tolerate hot peppers.
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Eating spicy foods cause a build up in gastric juices. These excess Acidic Juices begin to wear on the lining of your stomach and may cause ulcers.
3 :
Hot/spicy food is supposed to be quite good for you. I've eaten some REALLY hot peppers that felt like I was eating boiling acid - but I'd probably do it again. Once you get used to hot foods, you crave more. "In general, hot, spicy foods are stimulants. They stimulate the circulation and raise body temperature. If you are living in a hot climate, the increase in body temperature can make you feel cooler by diminishing the difference between you and the surrounding air and by inducing sweating, which cools the body when the perspiration evaporates."
4 :
Not that I am aware of unless you have ulcers or other malady that the burning would affect. One of the hottest hot sauces I have personally had was called Dave's Insanity. Being a certified chef, I'll try anything once. And no I wouldn't do it again. I was burning for an hour!
5 :
According to CNN, long term use can cause kidney and liver damage. But, they have some health benefits as well. It's likely the level of 'hot' that is the problem. The type of spicy in Indian foods (spicy not hot) isn't a problem unless you already have stomach problems. Some people, like me, mysteriously develop chemical burns in the mouth from chilies. I can eat poppers (the cream cheese seems to alleviate it) and pepper jelly, but can't have Rotel tomatoes in soup. I hardly ever had hot peppers! Don't know why this happens, but I don't have any of that any more.
6 :
I have chronic pain from arthritis. My doctor recommended I eat as much hot peppers each day as I can for pain relief and health benefits. That's easy for me because I crave them. Habaneros are the hottest I've eaten and our Chinese restaurants have a sauce that is just ground cayenne peppers. I've not eaten any that were too hot for me.
7 :
Other than severe heartburn and gas..I haven't heard of anything. But the hottest I had...called Spontanous Combustion..chock full of habeneros. More than a few drops will get you to sweat.
8 :
my husband loves spicy food but as he got older he found that his stomach couldn't handle it anymore
9 :
You may have to get a new assholeafter that but subject to the usual pluses and minuses you should be OK. The pluses should outweigh the negatives. Regarding stomach acid remember, "It is not what you eat that gives you ulcers, but what eats you.

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