Friday, November 28, 2008

Why is fast food so bad for your health

Why is fast food so bad for your health?
I LOVE Taco Bell and the Nachos bell grande. But latly I have heard so many folks come out and say eating fast food will cause high cholesteral and blood preasures to rise and clogging of the arteries and heart attacks and so many terrible things. Soo why exactly are fast foods bad for you? I say McDonalds and people just cringe! WHY?

Diet & Fitness - 3 Answers
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1 :
Because they are high in fat and have many ingredients that only cause damage to your body.
2 :
because they use a lot of grease and oils in their cooking. fat makes things taste better. These foods are LOADED with it. Horrible for hearts - causes high colestorol among other things.
3 :
Partially Hydrogenated Oil! This is what is in most fast foods. It is also in alot of the foods we buy in the stores. Whatch the movie Super Size Me to get more info

Monday, November 24, 2008

Is eating food cold bad for your health

Is eating food cold bad for your health?
I don't like warm meal. It doesn't taste very good. I am wondering if cold meal is bad for the health, and I don't mean uncooked, I mean something that has not been warmed up, or has been cooled. Could it create indigestion or vitamin deficiency? Please only respond if you know something about health and nutrition and tell me your resource. I care about the facts not personal opinions.
Diet & Fitness - 2 Answers
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1 :
well techinally Heating certain foods takes away most of the Beneficial vitamins in them like Vegetables. Eating things cold isnt bad for your health, only eating raw meats seems to be the culprit for being bad for your health besides the obvious things. :)
2 :
Well, there aren't many differences between eating food cold or warm as long as it was cooked beforehand and you aren't eating a frozen (pre-cooked) meal. As for eating a cold meal, it may be a little harder to get rid of the fat in oily foods. If you've seen oily foods that are cooled in a container, you can plainly see a layer of fat that will solidify. By eating it warm, you can get the fat off easier than being cold and if you're really fat-conscious you can soak the fat off by pressing a napkin to it. But really, there's no big deal in eating a cold meal as long as it has been cooked before hand and not frozen. Hope this helps

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

portant is it for our health to eat cooked, warm food

How important is it for our health to eat cooked, warm food?
Would a diet comprised almost exclusively of fresh, uncooked (thus not warm) foods be better for us?

Other - Food & Drink - 1 Answers
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1 :
Raw food diets are very popular nowadays, the only problem is some nutrients can only be released through cooking the food. Maybe look at some raw food sites and start increasing how much raw food you eat, some of the recipes are so good

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Sunday, November 16, 2008

What is the lowest temperature a polar bear can survive, assuming it is in good health and has food & water

What is the lowest temperature a polar bear can survive, assuming it is in good health and has food & water?

Zoology - 2 Answers
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1 :
not sure but they must be in the cold always, they have heavy fur.
2 :
The polar bear has a layer of fat that can be as many as four inches thick. The polar bear can survive even when the temperature drops to minus 70 degrees

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Are the cans of canned food come in hazardous to health

Are the cans of canned food come in hazardous to health?
Someone told me I should take food out of can immediately because air can get to it and the chemicals will go into the food. Is this true? Is it not safe to keep good in cans in the fridge?
Other - Food & Drink - 4 Answers
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1 :
Yes that is true. Never store the food in the can once the can has been opened.
2 :
Yeah thats all true, make sure you look to see if there are any dents on the can before you buy it because that's how the air gets in :)
3 :
wow, Jenio, it's pretty nasty. A new study spearheaded by the Environmental Working Group found the toxic chemical bisphenol A (BPA) in over 50 percent of the name-brand canned goods tested. In some cases, a single serving was enough to expose a woman or infant to BPA levels that were 200 times higher than the government's safe level for industrial chemicals. What is BPA and what are the dangers? • BPA is an industrially produced chemical commonly used in polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins. BPA-containing resins are a common ingredient in the linings of canned goods. • BPA is a known estrogen mimicker, and can cause hormone-disrupting effects, toxicity or even neurotoxicity, low sperm counts and cancer. Some of these effects can occur in concentrations as low as two parts per billion. More than 200 animal studies show that BPA is toxic at very low doses, and the Centers for Disease Control explains that it has found BPA in 95 percent of patients being tested at levels that raise health concerns. • The study found that cans of chicken soup, infant formula and ravioli had the highest levels of BPA. One to three servings of these foods was enough to expose women or children to BPA levels that have been shown to cause harm in animal tests. • One in 10 of the cans tested -- and one in three cans of infant formula -- contained concentrations high enough that a single serving contained levels less than five times lower than the dose shown to cause harm in animal studies. Typically, the government classifies exposure as dangerous if it is within 1,000 to 3,000 times that shown to harm animals. Buy fresh. You get away from the genetically modified garbage they sell but at least you won't be taking in toxins such as BPA. Good luck!
4 :
Do you mean take food out of an open can? For the most part, you are safe as long as you cover the can. Cans are lined with a plastic coating that acts as a non-reactive barrier between the metal in the can and the food. However, with that said... I wouldn't make it a practice to store cans in the refrigerator for more than a day or two

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Saturday, November 8, 2008

Why am I forced to pay for other people's food and health care through taxes

Why am I forced to pay for other people's food and health care through taxes?
Why can't they find a job and do it theirselves? I have myself to worry about, why should my money be going to them? Selfish? Maybe but it's the truth. A war is more constitutional for taxes than forced charity.
Politics - 28 Answers
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1 :
Why am I forced to pay for illegal wars?
2 :
It's called living in a civilized society. Get over yourself.
3 :
Go move to some third world country and you won't have to.
4 :
No. Just no.
5 :
I agree.
6 :
Because LIBERALS think you should... Somehow the RIGHTS of the RECIPIENT outweigh the RIGHTS of the PROVIDER.
7 :
More like greedy. And why should I pay for your children, or subsidize your marriage, or your retirement. Do it yourself? Sure, whatever.
8 :
The fascists have taken over a long time ago and decided that they are going to take a certain percentage of your money, put it in a pot and pay some of it out to the poor people as those in the bureaucracy get to pocket 70% of it. It is sickening and they have successfully trashed our country. Congrats progressives!
9 :
you pay for other people's health care with your hmo payments. i remember something about love thy neighbor...bah...let 'em starve.
10 :
For same reason that other less fortunate people are forced to place their lives on the line by invading other countries in order to enrich big business, Neocon. You are not the only one who pays taxes, I do to and so everyone else does.
11 :
because you are supposed to be part of a caring society not just after what you can grab for yourself
12 :
So you will not be paying for the extra police force and prison cells if anarchy were more rampant as a result of less economic assistance for the poor
13 :
Once you pay your taxes it is no longer your money. We the people elect government officials whom we trust to spend the money in the best way for our country as a whole. Therefore how they spend their money is none of your business, if you don't like your politician vote them out.
14 :
It's easier for liberals in government to spend your money than their own.
15 :
Why should anyone's money go to pay for your roads, or your fire department, or the army the fights for you? It is because society and the economy run more efficiently when everyone has at least the bare necessities to survive. Every ethical and moral code, including Christianity, says we are obligated to help those in need.
16 :
Why do I have to pay for war and why do I have pay additional taxes to make up for the tax free status of political churches such as the Catholic church that influences politics
17 :
They're "disadvantaged" and victimized by you. You can't expect them to support themselves, can you?
18 :
I don't like the war in Iraq, but I am forced to pay with it with my tax money. Get real. We can never have a system in which you would only get to pay taxes to support the programs that are your personal favorites.
19 :
Because someday you may need it too.
20 :
Under the Constitution we aren't supposed to. But due to all the irresponsible liberals the Demxsses start social programs one after another every time their in office. Their motto: Keep Doing The Same Thing Until Something Different Happens. Nothing good ever happens; Bankruptcy after Bankruptcy. Funny how all these liberals good doers keep taking more of our money and giving it away. But take Pelosi, Gore, Rockefeller, Kennedy as examples. I wld think that because of their moral convictions that they wldn't mind living like the rest of us and giving their billions away to redistribute to the irresponsible; but they glue their pockets shut and won't even pay for the things their supposed to (charge the taxpayer).
21 :
If you have worked and provide your own means, you are considered a winner in life's lottery.
22 :
because MY taxes pay the services that YOU will or might get Did your parents make you pay for food shelter and clothing ever hear the word "society" or "community" Ever hear of the Radical socialist communist that said "Love thy Neighbor"? they crucified the fool. Got a good job? Somebody else made it possible.
23 :
It's the price we pay for the opportunity to live in this country. It's becoming excessive I agree. If you don't agree with hand outs, pay attention to you local and state leadership and get involved in politics. Talk to your friends about it.
24 :
Because liberals believe that you should be made to even if it is not your decision. When Joe the plumber asked Obama the question, Obama gave the answer as to who he was. He wanted to take what others had earned and give it to others, whether they deserved it or not. Why do you think they made Joe the subject, to cover up Obama's answer. This is the future of the US if the progressives are allowed to continue. With the speed at which they have grabbed power in the last 13 months, 9 months may be too late to save our country from their socialism.
25 :
That is the way society works... Leave the US if you don't like the system... Why am I forced to pay for your church property taxes? I have my own property taxes to pay, and don't understand why churches are excluded/ I help cover their part (and furthermore, I don't have kids, so why should I support public schools this way, huh? oh yea, I don't want more uneducated idiots who don't understand the system out there) EDIT--I see while you have a comeback for the "war" question (all be it a poor one), you don't dare address the question of why your church doesn't pay any property taxes/ the rest of us property owners are paying your way...Wouldn't want to give up that bit of "forced charity" now would you?
26 :
We pay for these people so that they don't kill us and rob us. If they do we die or have to put them in jail. Jail isn't free. It costs more to keep them in jail than it does to feed and doctor them. It's really an actuarial thing. Repubs never understood this. They just assume that progressives just want to force everyone to give to the poor. And that is what this health care bill is about. We already pay for the poor's doctor bills. It's more cost effective to pay for their health insurance instead.
27 :
Your share of taxes goes to paying for bombs we drop on third world country. They use mine to pay for food and healthcare. Read the fine print on the back of your 1040.
28 :
More of your tax money is invested in our military to protect the free world. The countries that are considered our allies, we spend so much more than anyone . Why should my tax money pay for police protection for Taiwan, South Korea, even Japan and Germany . We are footing the bill and our military are doing the work while the rest of the world invest in their people and economy

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Is Banquet food, frozen food in general bad for your health

Is Banquet food, frozen food in general bad for your health?
I have been eating frozen food for the past months, and now I have difficult breathing.

Other - Food & Drink - 2 Answers
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1 :
yes, it's bad for you. Look at the sodium content-they have about 30% of RDA for sodium in a serving. A single serving is tiny and most boxes are 2.5 servings. Plus, they have no fiber and very few vitamins
2 :
my mother tells me that frozen food isn't good for you point blank. i don't really know why though

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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Now that we can get products at the Health Food store that taste like meat,is there any excuse for eating junk

Now that we can get products at the Health Food store that taste like meat,is there any excuse for eating junk
meat products that prepare you to have a heart attack in later life? These vegetable products even feel like meat in the mouth. Of course, small health food stores may have to order them special for you.
Religion & Spirituality - 13 Answers
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1 :
Why didn't you show that disgusting video again? Also, what on Earth does this have to do with religion and spirituality? " feel like meat in the mouth" LOL
2 :
Have you priced organic foods lately?
3 :
I don't eat imitation meat. the veggies aren't 100% good for you either (toxic soils, toxic water unknown to the farmer).
4 :
health is junk
5 :
There is always and "excuse" to eat junk. It doesn't matter whether it makes sense or not, just as long as you have an excuse.
6 :
have you tasted that crap? It does not taste like meat
7 :
Most vegetable based 'meat' products are extremely high in fat - so aren't really healthy at all.
8 :
I like steak, roast beef, veal, pork, and chicken. I'll continue to eat the real thing.
9 :
They don't taste like meat. Stop playing pretend. For every question like this in R & S, I'm going over to V & V and asking a question.
10 :
1, i prefer my meat raw. 2, you cannot show me a vegitable product that will mimic the taste, texture and feeling of blood running through my teeth that meat gives. 3, i am not saying this to gross anyone out. it is just how i prefer my food. cooked only long enough to make it warm. 4, as far as heart attacks go... you health food nuts are going to feel mighty silly one day..laying around dieing of NOTHING. B, the Heart attack is only a side effect of an unhelathy diet. meat in moderation and on proper portions is not bad for us.
11 :
Enjoy that cow, boy!
12 :
There is nothing wrong with using animals for meat, to get protein for our bodies..God set it up that way for us, and he said it was all good if we eat it with Thanksgiving...but he also said something else that is ignored.....we are not to do things to excess. We all know the difference between a Big Mac and a small chicken thigh, broiled,,,it is not what we eat,,,it is the would think most people are preparing for a long journey without food, to look at the average person's plate,,for one meal....cut down on the amount of meat you eat,,,,,eat plenty of veggies and fruits...a little starch,,,rice, potatoes, pasta,,,,,a little dairy....and get exercise,,,it isn't meat that is killing is overdoing,,,,excess.......
13 :
Since you posted this question under Religion, I respond to you with: Because God designed our bodies to need all types of food to thrive: meats, grains, vegetables and fruits

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