Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Why are food modifications important to the health of the elderly and the health of the diabetic

Why are food modifications important to the health of the elderly and the health of the diabetic?

Diabetes - 1 Answers
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They're not. Our bodies were designed to live a long and healthy life simply by eating those foods that were created for us (or that we adapted to, for you evolutionists). Either way, natural foods are far superior to manufactured, processed, enriched, refined, and packaged ones. I was diabetic for years, taking medication, eating a bland low Calorie diet. Then, after much research, I found that I was missing some important nutrients that were essential in lowering my insulin resistance. Once I started eating more fruits, nuts, berries, whole grains, some natural supplements, and a wider variety of vegetables, I was able to stop taking medication. My blood sugar has been normal ever since. December 13, it will have been two years of a happy, healthy, medication free life

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