Wednesday, April 28, 2010

what are some health and safety hazards in the fast food industry

what are some health and safety hazards in the fast food industry?
i dont mean why the food is bad i mean if your working there, for example touching money then food etc i need more examples like this please and thank you.
Fast Food - 2 Answers
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1 :
oil burns, oil vapor on skin, falling in wet areas, exhaustion,back strain from heavy boxes
2 :
Employees and customers sneezing and coughing in the restaurant and on food. Chemicals used for pesticides in the kitchens and bathroom areas, dirty hands, not washing yourself regularly, not wearing hair nets and or gloves when handling food and any pre-existing condition like an employee with an std or dandruff, scabies, lice. The coughing/sneezing is a big problem for everyone involved in a restaurant environment whether a customer or employee

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