Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What can I do about finding LOTS of expired product at a local health food store

What can I do about finding LOTS of expired product at a local health food store?
I went to a local independantly owned health food store today and was browsing through the aisles. I've worked for a bigger health food store for over 5 years and am familiar with lots of the products that they sold. While browsing through I found LOTS of expired products. In the supplements for example, there were things that expired in 2003, 2005 and 2007. This was in a few different brands. I also found a tea that expired in 2002 and saw little black bugs in one of the bulk bins. Who should or do I need to contact about this? Well Barry C....... I only brought that up meaning that I can tell the difference between old labeling and new. Plus the fact that the product was clearly labeled "EXP 2/2005" or whatever. The store I work for checks their products readily and does not have this problem, so I have not encountered it before. Don't be such a jerk.

Law & Ethics - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Local health department.
2 :
well if you really worked in a store wouldn't you know?.... After all you held that up as your qualification for deciding that expired good need to be reported....
3 :
lol im the sarabara person that you answered one of my questions remember? well anyway i cant really answer your question because i dont really under stand it so...

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