Thursday, September 1, 2011

What is the name of that product in the health food stores that some prostrate cancer survivors swear by

What is the name of that product in the health food stores that some prostrate cancer survivors swear by?
I remember seeing Alan Alda cover this product in an episode of PBS's "Scientific American Frontiers" was some kind of vitamin or supplement in pill was in a white bottle and it was called Pros something or p=something or hell I cannot remember...but I remember after seeing this episode on PBS telling myslelf that if myself or my father ever got cancer there I would want to remember this one of my fathers friend...has advanced prostate cancer and I am afraid he is going to die...he did not catch it soon enough and I am very sad..I wanted to tell dad about these pills at the health food store so that he can pass the word along to his he can try it along with everything the doctors are doing to try to help him live... Please if you know the name of the pseudo drug I would like to know....worst case is it doesnt help and the friend will waste a few bucks for no help...please advise as I fear this is my first life or death post..possibly Not that I am sure this product/thing will work...but what could it hurt...and I do remember it being one of the only "Alternative" medicines in the whole program that showed promise. I imagine someone out there has seen this show and remembers the name of that prostrate supplement. Thank you in advance, Perry in FL
Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
That product was called PC-Spes. Here is the article for you regarding Alan Alda. Best wishes to you both. Unfortunately it has since been removed fro the market. But some people swear by Essiac tea: I have seen this tea available at drug stores and health food stores.
2 :
My mom got my dad something with sawpalmento in it, but I just heard a commercial on the radio promoting a new product that is supposed to be much better (more powerful ) than this. So I'll bet if U go on line and do a search for such a product U will be able to find it.
3 :
please google Jim Humble and MMS here are some web sites..Please Please educate yourself, the life you save may be yours or that of a loved one...God Bless

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