Thursday, August 28, 2008

What is shark cartlilage used for and does it work. they sell in health food stores

What is shark cartlilage used for and does it work. they sell in health food stores.?

Alternative Medicine - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
To tell you the truth I can't remember, but it has been proved that it doesn't work.
2 :
shark cartilage is used to relieve arthritic pain and lubricate the joints, it is considered part of the omega groups, an an antioxidant. I do not know if it works.
3 :
Don't know if it works but here's the pharmacology (how it works) for shark cartilage: Cartilage tissue contains substances called antiangiogenesis factors that inhibit the growth of new blood vessels. It has been hypothesized that high doses of shark cartilage may prevent tumor growth. The proposed mechanism is that the antiangiogenesis factors prevent tumors from developing the network of blood vessels they need to supply them with nutrients. This reportedly “starves” tumors and causes them to shrink. Cartilage tissue is a mixture of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). One of the primary GAGs is chondroitin sulfate, which may provide some benefit for people with osteoarthritis.
4 :
Shark cartilage is mostly used for arthritis. I tried it and it didn't seem to do anything.
5 :
YES IT WORKS! what is it used for alot of things some examples: Cancer Joint problems Fybermialgia (spelt that wrong) CRPS Chronic Pain Hair and Nail Growth and yes you can buy it in health food stores or from natural practioners,but it's not cheap!
6 :
I would not waste my money. do you have a health challenge

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