Monday, June 4, 2012

should i buy health insurance instead of providing food clothing heat and shelter for my family

should i buy health insurance instead of providing food clothing heat and shelter for my family,?
or should I opt for the fine I wont be able to pay either. Go to jail , loose my job, passing burden of myself and my family onto you the tax paying citizen? Should we force all homeless people into buying mansions.
Politics - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :

1 :
You won't get the choice really. If you can't pay for it, the government will come in and conduct an assessment, maybe decide you don't need your tv, your pc, anything that takes away from their mandated confiscation of your money to support a Ponzi scheme.
2 :
Sounds like you're playing Monopoly
3 :
If you can't afford it then you will get a write off or a subsidy, if you can afford it then you will pay for it no matter how melodramatic you want to be. Health care is not free and if you go to the ER with some kind of problem that means somebody else is paying for your failure to have insurance.
4 :
What would happen right now if you got sick? Us tax paying citizens are already paying for you and your family. Nothing in life is free. You will be a burden either way

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