Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Does microwave cooking cause any health hazard to food

Does microwave cooking cause any health hazard to food ??
Eager to know about the hazards, if any, of microwave cooking
Vegetarian & Vegan - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The only thing I can think of is that microwaves destroy vitamin B-12 in food. This is especially important to know if you are a vegetarian or have had gastric bypass surgery as you will likely need supplements and cannot count on your food providing B-12 if you use a microwave regularly. Keep clear if you have a pacemaker, as it can go wonky while a m/w oven is running. Otherwise, there's no radiation or other problems like that.
2 :
whoa okay, first of all to the girl that posted above me, learn your facts, thats all a microwave is is radiation...
3 :
Yes indeed. It zaps alot of the nutrition from foods by superheating them-natural food enzymes are destroyed at temperatures above 117 degrees. Also, WHAT you microwave the food in has a big impact-if you microwave in plastic containers, the PCB's and other chemicals can leach into the food. Its best to microwave in glass containers, if at all. A counter top steamer is a great alternative-not quite as fast, but it preserves more nutrients.
4 :
It has no hazard to you, if that's what you mean. The only thing that you may consider harmed from microwaved food is the torture to your taste buds.
5 :
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