Thursday, October 8, 2009

If i eat junk food everyday am i increasing health problems when i get older

If i eat junk food everyday am i increasing health problems when i get older?
I know someone who constantly eats chips, cookies on a daily basis and now i'm starting to become like them. But i still try to eat fruits and vegetables.
Diet & Fitness - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
probably not... all i eat is junk food i absolutely hate all veggys and never eat any of them i'm fine...sure im a lazy couch potato but thats just because i sit around all day and never excercise
2 :
Depends on what you eat and how much...those foods certainly aren't conducive to good health and depending on how genetically predisposed you are to particular health issues, it could have a negative effect down the road. Junk food is okay on occasion. Most of us enjoy a treat now and then...just don't make that kind of food part of your regular diet. There's really no benefit in it other than the pleasure of the taste, but that's often not worth the work it takes to get the pounds off that it adds, or do undo any negative health effects it may cause later in life.
3 :
Try workout ,But getting old is heredity and in the genes ...there are families that looks older than there age and there are ones who look younger than there age
4 :
gallstones, obesity and high cholesterol all come to mind! keep it up with the fruit and veggies, you may find your tastes change as you age as well.
5 :
There is certainly a correlation between your diet and risk of health problems.
6 :
It's okay to indulge once in a while. I enjoy having a bowl of ice cream about once a week. But to do it on a daily basis is a very bad and dangerous habit. The reason America is full of so many obese people is because of their eating habits. Eating fruits and vegetables won't help balance out all the excess sugar and fat you are putting into your body. The key is moderation.
7 :
you will never see 70

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