Thursday, October 1, 2009

health food obsession

health food obsession?
i am always thinking about food, but i only eat healthy and i am not overweight if anything underweight. all i think about it that at 4:00 ill eat a bowl of fruit and so on. i dont know how to keep from thinking about health and food. i go to a nutritionist and am getting a balanced meal every meal and all of that but i dont know what to do. Help?
Women's Health - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If you are eating healthy, and your weight is healthy, and you are getting enough sleep, food, fluids, and exercise, then the main problem would be thinking too much about food. Maybe eating a bit of the fruit (for example) when you first start thinking about it, and then some at 4:00 like you planned would help. It's ok to give yourself treats, it won't mean you are eating unhealthy or that you are undisciplined. If all fails, a counselor or doctor can help you figure out healthier ways to eat and live without obsessing. :-)
2 :
I think this only becomes a "real problem" if you form a n eating disability such as anorexia or bulimia. There is nothing wrong with you. Everyone has something they focus on or "obsess over" . For me, its my social circle. I HAVE to check myspace, facebook or deviant art EVERY DAY to keep up with everything

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