Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Is it true that micro oven made food is harmful to health, why

Is it true that micro oven made food is harmful to health, why?

Cooking & Recipes - 16 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
no. people think that the radiation emitted by microwaves is harmful... not true. Microwaves use radio waves, which are absorbed by the water, fats, and sugars in food. When these waves are absorbed, they are only converted into atomic motion, or heat. They don't turn the food radioactive. Every cooking method destroys the nutrients in food, but "since microwave ovens use less heat than other methods and have cooking times, they have the least destructive effects." (Based on a study conducted by Cornell University) See the link for the full article.
2 :
no it uses microwaves that wont stay on food. It just uses the heat to make food hot.
3 :
is it? probably becuase these microscopic waves are heating the food and doing something to it
4 :
Yes it's true, Because of radiation poisening. You're not going to die or anything, but yes. It's a form of poison.
5 :
6 :
Hon...every house in America has a microwave (well, most). If they were harmful they would have been recalled long ago. It isn't THAT the food is microwaved, it's what the container is made of that can make it dangerous. You're never supposed to microwave in styrofoam or plastic, and of course metal will start things sparking, but the chemicals of some containers bleed into the food if you cook in them.
7 :
i have heard that bc of the waves it emits...but i also heard from a cook on tv that it is not as harmful is they make it seem bc microwaves are always around us so yeah...personally i only reheat stuff in the microwave and cook in the stove
8 :
No it's the ingredients which can be bad. check them, like any food you eat. cheap ones usually contain added flavourings and colours which arn't the best. you can get some really good micro meals nowadays.
9 :
yes. just don't put plastic tuperware in there either
10 :
NO The micro waves make the molecules vibrate causing heat inside the food. This cooks the food like any other type of heat.
11 :
No. Microwaved food is considered cooking by steam. The waves vibrate the water molecules creating steam. And, steam is one of the healthier cooking styles
12 :
No, it's the container that you put the food in if it's anything.
13 :
Don't listen to them! Yes! Microwave heated food CAN damage you! The radiation in the food CAN give you cancer. Scientist believe that they are build so good, that the food can't harm you to much, but that's also why they build that hard glass on the microwaves, so you won't get the radiation directly.
14 :
15 :
the ovens themselves, no, but whatever that is they use to "artificially butter flavor" micro popcorn is apparently having adverse effects on the health of mfg. plant workers.
16 :
definitely not true.

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