Monday, November 16, 2009

Heating food in Microwave oven before eating is good for health

Heating food in Microwave oven before eating is good for health?
I bring my lunch to work and keep it in the refrigerator. Before having the same in the afternoon I heat the same in microwave oven for two to three minutes and consume immedeately. I heard from one of my friend that as the food in Microwave oven gets direct electric heat, there is a chance of developing cancer from it. Is this true?? Please give me your valuable answers.
Diet & Fitness - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Microwave ovens don’t make foods radioactive. They just heat them. Microwave ovens heat food by producing radiation which is absorbed by water molecules in the food. This makes the water molecules vibrate and produce heat, which cooks the food. Any modern day microwave oven in good condition is perfectly safe as long as you follow the instructions for use. If you use a microwave oven in the correct way there is no known harmful effect on humans. But people still tend to worry. Understanding the different types of radiation may help to reassure you that cooking in a microwave is not dangerous and won’t cause cancer. Although microwaves are safe to use it is important to point out that cooking in them can affect the nutritional value of some foods – for example, fruit and vegetables. But nutrients are lost when heating foods in any way – boiling, grilling, frying or even steaming. The Food Standards Agency (an independent food safety watchdog set up by the Government) say that the amount of nutrients lost when cooking with a microwave is similar to other cooking methods. As long as you don't overcook foods, microwaving can actually be quite a healthy way to cook, as it uses only a little water. The best way to keep as many nutrients as possible in fruit and vegetables is to use as little water as you can and not overcook them.
2 :
The only reason I have ever heard about microwaving your food involves the plastic container and the plastic wrap or lid covering your food. Apparently the microwave causes toxins to be released from the plastic. The toxins are bad for you. It was recommended to me to remove the food from the plastic container and put it on a real dish (glass etc), and just cover with another plate

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