Sunday, November 1, 2009

catholic health food freak

catholic health food freak?
for people who are vegitarians, drink soymilk, into not only all the health food, yoga..etc also very catholic, why do they drink and do drugs and ruin the benefit of it? how do they make sense out of it in their heads? also I would love to know what catholic has to do anything with it. I see them all the time in coffee stores. they are usually covered in tatooes an gauges, I dont wanna waste my time getting puched in the nose by letting them know what they really are trying to do dude are you serious vegitarians for a moral reason? what about doing drugs at the same time oh damn theat a standard moral! thats exactly im talkin about! you all are bunch of faking idiots faker
Religion & Spirituality - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Catholics covered in tattoos.....? You sure you don't mean bikers?
2 :
lol i never heard of that. Im a vegetarian, who smokes and have tattoo's. But im certainly not a catholic, never heard that aspect brought into it before. I can see the question, why do people who look after their health ruin it
3 :
Satan takes particular delight in deceiving the very devout. We need to pray for each other.
4 :
What are you saying? Doesn't make sense, tattoos, health food freaks, drugs and catholics?
5 :
Some people are vegetarians/vegans for moral, not health, reasons. I fit into that category. "Eat well, exercise, die anyway." .
6 :
I cant really understand your questions but to clear some facts.. I am a non-vegetarian. I dont drink soy milk, I dont drink any milk for that fact! I just hate it! I am not really into healthy food, although I should be. I eat a lot of junk including chips and chocolates. Again I dont practice yoga yet, I just bought a book yesterday on it actually.. I am Catholic. I hardly drink, very occasionally, and only wine. I dont do drugs at all, and neither do I smoke (I quit smoking completely) I do not hang out at coffee stores, neither do I drink coffee. If I did enter a coffee store (happens once in 6 months) I would have a chocolate pastry. I have two tattoos, both hidden and personal.. Although the one on my shoulder can be seen when I wear sleeveless.. I had no clue what gauges were, I heard of them a number of times but never was attentive to know what they meant

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