Friday, November 20, 2009

i wanna crave health food not junk food but how? 10 pts

i wanna crave health food not junk food but how? 10 pts?
i wanna crave heathy food not junk food.. idk how. any tips how to?
Diet & Fitness - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
i have the same problem sprite and junk food but i wish i new
2 :
you just have to quit the junk all together after a month you wont even like junk food another thing you can do is look up the calories or nutrition value on some of your favorit foods it will discust you
3 :
your body is going to naturally crave sweet things, theres nothing you can do about it. in order to crave healthy foods you need to actually enjoy eating healthy foods... otherwise you need to find something somewhere in the middle of sweet and healthy to munch on. Changing your diet takes years, not weeks.
4 :
i so kno what you mean!! well. the more junk food you eat the more you'll crave it. Fats and oils make your body think you want more - so you crave it. You have to discipline yourself to only eat health food for a while. Over a bit of time as your body gets used to you not eating the junk food it will forget about it, and just want to eat the healthy yummy food! (: GOOD LUCK!
5 :
thats true you do have to quit, but no matter what it is not going to be easy... If you have extreme will power then you can do it! but other than that do it in moderation.. eat healthy, then once in a while cheat.. you do this enough and you will be set.. like eat more and more healthy, and less and less junk... soon you will be disgusted by the nasty stuff.. I swear if i think about McDonald i get nauseous
6 :
find some healthy foods that you really like and it will make you want to eat them more often..100 calorie packs and fat free pringles are good snacks...chicken and fish can replace beef, and there is also low fat and sugar free icecream and other deserts that are good..the skinny cow icecreams are just as good as regular! the icecream sandwiches are the best!
7 :
I don't think you will ever healthy food like you do junk food, but I think if you change the way you think of junk food you can ease your craving and fill up on the good stuff. For me I started reading about why we should be eating healthy food and what the bad stuff does to us. And then I started thinking of how unnatural most of junk food is, I mean have you look at the ingredients? What is some of that? I've read some scary stuff, how they link alot of the ingredients to cancer and diabetes it turned me off. Now,hot dogs are gross, chips and soda, are like putting hair spray and crayons into my body... because it's like junk food isn't even food to's just junk

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