Sunday, November 8, 2009

If Health care is free, What about Food , Clothing and Shelter

If Health care is free, What about Food , Clothing and Shelter?
Basic shelter, for walls and a roof against the weather. At least to spend a night with dignity. Simple food. Scrambled eggs, pancakes, tang. It would return dignity to people. Solar heated shower would not cost a lot to run. This set up would not deter people from working, I am sure. I am 55 yrs and always been socially conscious. Homelessness as a lifestyle did not exist in America until Reagan. The first wave were the mentally ill, released from care and unable to fend for themselves.
Government - 13 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It is pathetic that anyone would expect to be kept like you suggest. Your parents brought you into the world. Look to them to keep you in comfort. If you want to help someone, go for it. I help those I choose to help. God help us.
2 :
It would never be FREE. Why can't you understand that? Do you know what taxes are - there is no such thing as FREE health care. I won't even get into the FACT that there were homeless people long before Reagan ever became president.
3 :
there is housing and shelters to sleep in there are soup kitchens and churches that give out free meals there are showers at the parks in short, those things are more available than health care
4 :
Hey better yet, at least till obama took over, jobs were free! Wait, they were BETTER than free, they actually paid you money! Its a long time ago and you youngsters may not be able to recall, but once upon a time , way back BO (before obama) jobs were plentyful. We had kind of a lame president, but he only deficit spent $350 billion or so per year. Then we became the obamination. No more jobs, no more stable inflation, gas thru the roof, and deficit spending of $1.6 Trillion per year.
5 :
Health care will never be free.
6 :
I am afraid your argument will fall on deaf ears. You are correct that massive homelessness was the fall out of Reagan's failed programs. Unfortunately dignity, integrity and compassion are not held in high esteem in this country.
7 :
Homelessness did not start with Reagan. It grew somewhat when he closed mental hospitals in California as governor. There was a slight rise during his eight years as president because of the welfare policies that made it actually profitable to be homeless. This bubble was mostly artificial, as there were benefits available to the homeless that encouraged people to claim the state. That said, there have always been shelters and programs to house and feed the homeless. There were soup kitchens and tent cities in the 30's, squatters before that. There are now, and have always been some who live either off the generosity of society, take what they want when they want it, or simply get by on what they can make and grow for themselves
8 :
That's the way a liberal or socialist thinks: people earn money just to give it away to other people. It's fine if you want to give to charity but when the government forces you to give away your money, it's called THEFT. What happens when the money earners decide they want free stuff too and they stop working? What happens when no one makes any money?
9 :
Of course not , that's what it make this country great ,help the ones in need . People will use this benefits until they can settle down that it is the purpose , after all we are not domestic cattle , we are humans been with soul and minds. God bless America
10 :
Everything should be free, ie there should be free access to what has been produced by society. This would put an end to poverty and to the waste of the money system (millions of people doing unproductive work in banks, insurance companies, etc).
11 :
No food and clothing should not be paid by taxpayer dollars. One of the goals in closing large psychiatric institutions was to stop the abuse suffered by citizens confined in these facilities. The institutions became overstretched, untherapeutic, isolated in location and neglectful in practice. It would stand to reason that, over time, taxpayer paid health care, food, clothing and shelter, completely run by government would see similar problems.
12 :
Right on brother!! Well said and a god damn good question. We don't even need to build any shelters! Do you know how many vacant homes and offices we have in America that just sits and the food once again do you know how much food is wasted everyday in America? All the Restaurants, Stores, Fast food and you and me. This is a very easy thing to do for free but just like our government we look at the homeless like a newence and we need a place to hide them "BUT WAIT...... Not in our backyard where we can see them" This would work and really brother thank you for bringing this up to peoples attention to stop and think
13 :
We do try to provide for those that can't provide for themselves. We don't leave our wounded behind. Nobody is talking about HEALTH CARE, free or otherwise. The issue is HEALTH INSURANCE...more specifically a non-profit HEALTH INSURANCE company paid for with premium dollars the same as any other insurance company. Why the ditto-heads, teabaggers and right wing radio talk show dummies don't get that is a major mystery

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